Euijoon Ahn is a Lecturer at the College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney. Hehas produced top-tier publications in the area of computer vision and medical image computing, including papers in IEEE T-MI, T-BME, JBHI, MedIA, PR, CVPR, AAAI and MICCAI. I am a regular reviewer for IEEE T-PAMI, T-MI, Nature Communications, CVPR, MICCAI and ISBI.
His research focus is on the development of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Computer Vision and, more specifically, unsupervised and self-supervised deep learning models for biomedical image analysis, for improving image segmentation, retrieval, quantification and classification without relying on labelled data. He also works at the coalface of translational health technology researches, e.g., health data analytics and telehealth.