
Lindsay Ward

发布日期:2023-09-28点击: 作者:

Lindsay has been an IT lecturer at JCU since 1999, teaching and working in various fields of Information Technology over that time including Programming, Web Design and Development, Multimedia, Video Production, 3D Graphics, Business IT and Design Thinking.

Lindsay's current research is investigating the gap between university and industry for Information Technology graduates in regional and metropolitan Australia, and evaluating what could be done by both universities and industry to bridge this gap. This could include preparing IT graduates effectively using more industry-relevant education methods.

Lindsay coordinates IT@JCU's marketing and engagement, including organising and running events like Open Day (with our great team of student volunteers),YICTE (Young ICT Explorers), O Week inductions for new students and mentors, school visits and various industry and education events. He also heads up developing and implementing a social media strategy for IT@JCU. Follow IT@JCU onTwitter,Facebook,Instagram

Lindsay is heavily involved inIT@JCU's annual Design Sprint, especially as MC and chief party starter.

In June 2018, Lindsay was interviewed by WIN News (TV) regarding Australia's Digital Pulse 2018 report and the need for at least another 100,000 ICT workers in Australia over the next few years.

Lindsay has been keenly involved in Townsville's startup scene, as a mentor and organiser for threeStartup Weekendevents as well as running pitching and ideation workshops.

Lindsay led a team of JCU IT and Mathematics academics that received a $30,000 Flexible Learning grant for the development and implementation of screencasting for teaching. Screencasting has been an important part of his subject delivery (both for internal and external subjects) for many years, and Lindsay's methods are often looked to as a model of best practice.

Mr Lindsay Ward - Research Portfolio - James Cook University (jcu.edu.au)

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