
Tao (Kevin) Huang

发布日期:2023-09-28点击: 作者:

Dr Huang holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He is the program coordinator for the Master of Engineering (Professional) (Internet of Things and Data Engineering). Dr Huang is a PhD advisor and an expert in deep learning and wireless communications. He is the principal researcher of theIntelligent Computing and Communications (ICC) Lab. Welcome self-motivated Ph.D./MPhil candidates tojoin the lab.

Before academia, Dr Huang worked in the industry and held positions such as senior software engineer, senior data scientist, project team lead, and technical lead. Star projects include Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro development, Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System development, and Global Broadband Area Network Modem development.

Dr Tao Huang - Research Portfolio - James Cook University (jcu.edu.au)

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