
Dr Neil Fraser

发布日期:2020-07-04点击: 作者:

In the last 20 years Neil has worked widely in Strategic planning, business intelligence, data science and information management. He has enabled organisations to accelerate the achievement of common goals, releasing operating efficiencies to support sustainable growth and financial performance. Neil has held senior appointments at Vodafone Australia, Optus and HTA. In the higher education sector Neil has also held senior appointments in both professional and academic workforce at Macquarie University and is now a lecturer for the Master of Data Science course at James Cook University.

In 2016 Neil taught and further developed the curriculum for the Master of Data Science, applied data science units and Business analytics degree at MGSM, Macquarie University in both Postgraduate and Undergraduate programs. In 2015 Neil was invited to write a book chapter on Strategy Development and Big Data Analytics. This was published in the “Internet of Things / Data Analytics Handbook” in December 2017.

Neil worked as an executive general manager in IT, marketing and finance in telecommunications. This involved strategic planning, design and implementation responsibility for the management, development and transformation of core strategic information platforms for data science and analytics in four international telecommunications companies (Optus, Vodafone AU, 3 Mobile and Vodafone NZ)

Neil completed a Phd in Behavioural Modelling in 1996 from Glasgow University following a MSc and BSC Hons in Science and computing. He also has business qualifications in project management, ITIL and AGSM.


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