
Dr Sourav Das

发布日期:2020-07-04点击: 作者:

Dr Sourav Das is a Senior Lecturer in statistics and data science with varied and interdisciplinary interests in applied and methodological statistics. His research expertise are in methodology and applications of statistical analysis of time series and spatial processes. He investigates natural events that evolve over space and time, includes landslides, tropical cyclones, river flow and diseases. His current interests fall into the following categotries:

Statistical Methodology

  1. Modelling of spatial and temporal covariance structures.

  2. Computationally and statistically efficient models for natural hazards.

  3. Interface of maximum likelihood and interpretable machine learning algorithms for streaming data.


  1. Algorithms for landslide monitoring.

  2. Methods for detecting structural changes in neurological time series.

  3. Statistical variation in river flow and tropical cyclones.

  4. Spatial variation in tropical ecological process.

  5. Spatial epidemiology for infectious diseases and mental health.

Dr Sourav Das - Research Portfolio - James Cook University (jcu.edu.au)

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